Show ALL Antibiotic Results
All Edmonton zone locations include all community (see below) and hospital sites
(see below) except University of Alberta, Stollery Children's hospitals and Cross Cancer Institute.
Antibiograms for University of Alberta, Stollery Children's and other hospitals in Alberta are on the
AHS website.
Edmonton zone hospitals include Devon, Fort Saskatchewan, Glenrose, Grey Nuns, Leduc, Misericordia,
Redwater, Royal Alexandra, Sturgeon (St. Albert), Westview (Stony Plain).
Community and rehabilitation hospitals include Devon, Fort Saskatchewan, Glenrose, Leduc, Redwater,
Sturgeon (St. Albert), Westview (Stony Plain). Community locations include physician offices and long
term care facilities.
NECHC indicates the Northeast Health Centre
Central zone includes hospitals in Vegreville, Vermillion, and Wainrwright
North zone includes community physician offices, long term care facilities, and hospitals in Fort McMurray
and Westlock. The hospitals are the Northern Lights Health Centre and the Westlock Healthcare Centre.